Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Voice of Reason: Debunking the Biggest Lie at the Democratic Convention

As a kid growing up in the country, I remember being told by another boy that if water in a stream runs over three rocks with moss on them, the water is safe to drink.  I didn't believe it at the time, and I don't believe it now.

The Democrats at the 2012 National Convention are using a similar method to try to purify their lies.  If they say something three or more times, they think it is the truth -- or at least the American people will believe it is the truth.  Just as three mossy rocks won't make water safe to drink, saying a statement three times doesn't make it a fact.

During this convention, you will hear a statistic repeated numerous times, like a mantra.  Democrat after Democrat will say that "this administration has created 4.5 million jobs."  Sometimes the speaker will quantify this statement by saying that 4.5 million "private sector" jobs were created, but typically speakers will leave out the clarification.

I don't know how to say it any other way.  This statement is a damn lie. It misleads the American people into thinking that the Obama Administration is doing a better job than it really is in turning around this economy.  Shame on them.

Compared to when Barack Obama took office, today there are slightly more private sector jobs (about 300,000) and significantly fewer public sector jobs.  As a result, there are about 400,000 fewer total jobs today than when President Obama took office.

Let me repeat that.  There are about 400,000 fewer American jobs today than when the President took office.  He certainly hasn't created 4.5 million jobs during his administration.

But in stating and restating their "fact" about job creation, Democrats don't count the private jobs lost at the beginning of the Obama Administration.  They conveniently compare the number of private sector jobs at the lowest point of the recession, which was in January 2010 (a year after President Obama took office), to the number of private sector jobs today in order to arrive at their 4.5 million figure. In other words, they cherrypick the best possible time points in order to show the greatest difference in jobs -- and they only look at the private sector jobs.

This is misleading, dishonest and unfair to the American people who will cast their votes in November.  It also shows that this administration is willing to mislead Americans in order to try to put lipstick on their pig of an economic recovery.  But no matter how much lipstick they put on this pig, it's still a pig. No matter how many times their "fact" is repeated, it is still a lie.

Even CNN and Yahoo News have called the Obama Administration out on this outright lie.  These liberal news organizations even report that the vast majority of the jobs created have been lower-wage jobs, not the types of "good-paying jobs" that First Lady Michelle Obama said were created by this administration in her speech last night.  Simply put, they are spreading lies on top of lies.

But even comparing the number of jobs today to the number of jobs when the President took office doesn't tell the whole story. Why?  Our population grows, so in order to maintain the same percentage of people working, we must add jobs in addition to the jobs needed to offset job losses. If we don't, the unemployment percentage increases, which has occurred under this President.  Since President Obama took office, we not only have fewer jobs than we did when he took office, we haven't added enough jobs to keep pace with the population growth.  That's why when he took office our unemployment rate was 7.8%, but is now 8.3%, with millions more simply giving up looking for work and not counted in these statistics.  In reality, the real unemployment rate could be as high as 12%.  As one can see, job creation during the Obama Administration has been much worse than most people realize and the Democrats want us to believe.

So now you know the truth, not some watered down version of it, or the truth based on conveniently selected timelines. The Obama Campaign is hoping that Americans won't take the time to search out the truth.

Bloggers such as this one, and the people who take the time to read this blog won't let that happen.

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