Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Voice of Reason: President Is Too Busy to Meet with Jobs Council

With a record 40 months of unemployment over 8% during his first term in office, one would think that creating jobs would be Job 1 for our President.

After all, President Obama created the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness in January 2011 "to provide non-partisan advice to the President on continuing to strengthen the Nation's economy and ensure the competitiveness of the United States and on ways to create jobs, opportunity, and prosperity for the American people."

Sadly, our President hasn't met with this council in six months.  The reason?  He's too busy.

White House Press Secretary gave this explanation:  “There’s no specific reason, except the president has obviously got a lot on his plate."

So, what has the President been doing?  Through July 9, he had attended 174 fundraisers since he began his reelection campaign last year, more than his past five predecessors combined.  

And in June, our President played his 100th round of golf in a little over three years.

While millions of Americans are unemployed, underemployed or have simply quit looking for a job, our President is out on the links and attending dinners to raise money for his reelection.

Our President clearly doesn't have the time to focus on creating jobs, so perhaps we should help him join the ranks of the unemployed.

How fitting.

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