America is divided like never before.
We have the red states whose residents are typically conservative, and then we have the blue states whose residents are generally liberal. We have citizens who believe that hard work, sacrifice and innovation are what will make them successful, and we have citizens who believe that a government handout is their best path to success.
President Obama, who promised "Hope and Change" while he was campaigning for the office, has done nothing to bring the two Americas together while he's been in office. Instead, he has divided our already-divided country even further with his words and his policies. He's stated on numerous occasions that affluent Americans need to pay their "fair share," completely ignoring the fact that nearly half of all Americans pay no income taxes whatsover. He has turned our nation into an entitlement country, with over 100 million Americans now on welfare, millions more on disability and unemployment. He's increased our debt by 50% to pay for these programs. He also said "you didn't build that" to business owners who sacrificed and sweated so that they, their children and grandchildren would have a better life.
He's divided the country between those who are successful and those who aren't; those who believe that a stifling government is the problem and those who believe that more government is the solution.
Let's say, just for the sake of argument, that President Obama is reelected and the red states decide that they want to secede from the union. Now, we really have two Americas. What would life be like in those two countries?
In the country with all of the blue states, one would see higher energy costs because the government, not the market, would pick the winners and losers. One would also see more government programs for those people who are not successful, more government regulations on business and industry, higher taxes for those who succeed, and a widespread attitude that the government is going to take care of everyone from cradle to grave.
In the country with the red states, things would be much different. Energy costs would be market-driven, which would mean that prices for electricity, gasoline and natural gas would be much lower than in the Blue States Country. There would be fewer government social programs, and taxes would be significantly lower. With fewer government regulations, more people would be encouraged to build their own businesses and all people would have an incentive to succeed. The widespread attitude would be that the government is there to support you if you falter, but the expectation is that you, not the government, are responsible for your own standard of living.
Which country would prosper and which country would falter? It's pretty clear to see that businesses in the Blue States Country would want to move to the Red States Country with its lower energy costs and taxes as well as fewer regulations. Those who don't want to work would want to relocate to the Blue States Country, where the welfare programs would be more lucrative, while those with ambition would move to the Red States Country, where the regulations and tax rates would be much less restrictive and regressive.
Within five years, maybe fewer, if this division of our country into red states and blue states were to occur, the Blue States Country would be bankrupt, while the Red States Country would thrive. Unemployment in the Blue States Country would be 30% or higher as businesses leave for the greener pastures of the Red States Country. As more businesses and ambititious people move across the border, those left in the Blue States Country would be faced with ever-increasing taxes to the point that widespread unemployment and bankruptcies would be the norm, not the exception. As taxes increase, funds for education and social programs would need to be reduced, negatively impacting the quality of education and the quality of life for all citizens. This Blue States Country would be in a downward spiral, with businesses leaving, which would result in higher taxes for those who stay, which would create the need for even higher taxes to maintain even a minimum level of services and programs.
The Red States Country would have tax rates that would actually decrease over time, as more business and industry would be encouraged to locate where they have the best chance of succeeding. Lowering tax rates would encourage even more development, helping everyone in the country to prosper. Because of the growing economy, even more tax revenues would be available for education and social programs, helping to improve the quality of life for all citizens. This Red States Country would be in an upward spiral, with lower taxes enticing more economic growth, which would then allow for even lower taxes, which would encourage even more economic growth.
I paint this picture not to suggest that those living in the red states should secede from the union, but to illustrate where this country is heading under our current President. America is becoming more like the Blue States Country, and less like the Red States Country. After seeing 8%+ unemployment for President Obama's entire term in office and our debt increasing by 50% under his leadership, do you believe our country is on an upward spiral or a downward spiral? Do you think we are headed towards becoming a Red States Country or a Blue States Country?
I don't want to be overly dramatic, but with the debt spiraling farther out of control by the minute, our country on the brink of socialism, and millions added to the rolls of welfare, unemployment and disability under the leadership of our current President, we face a nation-defining decision in November.
This upcoming election may provide America with its last chance at returning to the Democratic, Capitalistic values that made us the greatest country in the world for over 200 years.
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