Friday, July 20, 2012

The Voice of Reason: Golfer, Vacationer or Bloviator in Chief?

The President of the United States is our nation's "Commander in Chief."

Sadly, our current President seems more intent on golfing, vacationing, campaigning, hearing his own voice, lying, blaming anyone and anything but himself, wasting our hard-earned tax dollars, saying things that divide our country and using the word "I" than actually commanding anything. While millions of Americans are out of work, underemployed or have quit looking for a job, and our country dives into debt faster than ever before in our nation's history, our President seems oblivious to the enormous challenges facing our country on the homefront.

So, if our President isn't acting like a Commander in Chief, of what is he our "Chief?" 

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Golfer in Chief
Our President recently completed his 100th round of golf in the three and a half years he's been in office.

Vacationer in Chief
The Obama family has taken 16 vacations in 42 months, costing taxpayers millions. 

Campaigner in Chief
Through July 9, our President had attended 174 fundraisers since he began his reelection campaign last year, more than his past five predecessors combined.

Bloviator in Chief
The President seemingly comments on anything and everything, almost as if he loves hearing his own voice.

Liar in Chief
What campaign promise hasn't our President broken?  He promised to close Gitmo, he told Americans he wouldn't raise taxes on anyone earning less than $250,000 and he promised to cut our debt in half, just to name three of his whoppers.

Blamer in Chief
Our President has blamed his predecessor, George W. Bush, the Japanese tsunami, ATMs, automation and the Arab Spring four our stagnate economy.  After three and a half years in office, he still can't bring himself to take any responsibility for an economy that is clearly stuck in park.

Debtor in Chief
Under President Obama's leadership, our national debt has increased by 50%.

Divider in Chief
No other President in our country's history has tried to promote class warfare as much as our current President. "Tax the Rich," is seemingly his campaign platform and he continues to talk about how wealthy Americans should pay their "fair share" at the same time that nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax at all.

"Me" in Chief
Has anyone else noticed how many times our President uses the word, "I?"  It seems that every speech he gives is peppered with "I did this," or "I'll do this."  When Osama bin Laden was killed, you would have thought that our President pulled the trigger himself, given the number of times he's talked about how "I" made the "tough call" to kill the terrorist.

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