Friday, July 13, 2012

The Voice of Reason: Election Will Decide If America Is a Nation of Exceptionalism or Mediocrity

By now, you've probably heard the audio of Condoleeza Rice, former Secretary of State, speaking at a Mitt Romney fundraiser two weeks ago.

Her rousing and heartfelt speech, which appeared to be off the cuff, delineated the difference between the direction of the country under the leadership of President Barack Obama, and an America led by a President, Mitt Romney, who believes in American exceptionalism and the free market system. According to many in attendance, Rice was the star of the show, demonstrating an ability to differentiate the policies of Barack Obama from the principles that made this country great.

Folks, I truly believe, as does Rice, that America is at a precipice.  If we continue on our current path under Barack Obama, we will slowly slide into mediocrity or worse. Will America continue to be an exceptional nation, or will we become a nation of mediocrity? 

While still a candidate, Barack Obama promised to "fundamentally transform America."  This is one instance when he's told us the truth.  He's done exactly what he promised, turning our country from a nation of people who produce, to a nation of people who receive government checks to not produce.

Let me explain with cold, hard facts.

Under his leadership, unemployment benefits were extended to 99 weeks -- five weeks short of two full years.  In June, more Americans went on disability than got jobs.  Only 80,000 jobs were created in June, while 85,000 Americans were added to the rolls of disability.

Under President Obama's leadership, the budget for food stamps has increased by 110% and is now 80% of the total farm budget.  What's worse is that the President wants even more people on this program.  The Obama Administration spent $3 million on radio ads encouraging more people to sign up for free food.

These programs have resulted in the fewest percentage of Americans in the workforce in three decades. The latest report shows that only 58.6% of Americans 16+ are in the workforce, which means that 41.4% of Americans older than 16 are not working.

The sad reality is that we can't afford any more "giveaway" programs, because the country is broke and going deeper in debt faster than at any other time in our nation's history.  With fewer and fewer Americans working and paying taxes, this will become even worse in the coming months and years, if this trend continues. Since President Obama took office, our debt has increased from $10.6 trillion to $15.9 trillion, an increase of 50%.

The Obama Administration's all out assault on work continued today.  We learned today that the highly-successful welfare reform will essentially be scrapped.  This bipartisan law, passed by a Republican Congress and Democrat President Bill Clinton, forced people to transition to work. Now, such activities as motivational reading, massage and bed rest will suffice as work.  Believe it or not. 

I don't know about you, but I am scared.  America is on the brink of economic failure, our President is encouraging more people to go on the government dole, our populace seemingly is being encouraged to not work, and our national Nero, Barack Obama, is fiddling.

Instead of working on fixing our stagnate economy, our President has attended more fundraisers at this point in his term than his last five predecessors combined.  Clearly, he's become our Campaigner in Chief.

And instead of running a campaign touting his record of accomplishments, our President has focused his campaign on two issues:  Raise taxes on the rich (job creators), and smear Republican nominee Mitt Romney with falsehoods and outright lies.

After examining all of this data closely, I've come to the conclusion that if Barack Obama had spent his entire term trying to ruin America, he couldn't have done any better at doing just that.




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