Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Voice of Reason: Using the Office for Political Gainn

One of the regular readers of my blog, who happens to be a friend, asked me how President Obama compares to his predecessor in terms of playing rounds of golf.

Actually, President George W. Bush gave up playing golf in 2003 out of respect for our troops. "I feel I owe it to the families to be as -- to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal."

President Obama recently played his 100th round of golf in three and a half years, while the country is fighting one war and recently pulled troops out of another.

Whether you liked or hated the policies of President Bush, he appears to be a man who displayed great respect for the office, in contrast to his successor.

This week, I read about another interesting contrast between the two Presidents. It seems that our current President recently used the West Wing of the White House to film a campaign ad, while President Bush decided that it would belittle the office by using the "working" part of the executive mansion for political purposes.

But that's not the only way that the Obama Administration has been accused of using the Office of the Presidency to increase President Obama's chances of being reelected.

Some now, including California Senator Diane Feinstein have accused the White House of leaking classified information in an attempt to make the President improve his image during an election year. While no one has claimed that it was the President himself who decided to release the information, it strongly appears that someone high up in the White House decided that he or she would help the President enhance his image as a tough Commander in Chief.  While Senator Feinstin has "walked back" her comments a bit, it's clear that she believes someone in the White House is to blame.

There seems to be little if any difference between Barack Obama the candidate and Barack Obama the President. Given the number of fundraisers he's attended in the past three and a half years, more than his past five predecessors combined, it seems that he is more Campaigner in Chief than Commander in Chief.

Perhaps that's why our economy is so horrific.  Just as Senator Obama began running for President almost as soon as he was elected, it now appears that President Obama has been in campaign mode since the day he was inaugurated.


While listening to talk radio, a caller provided a great reason why taxes on the wealthiest Americans should not be raised, especially during a time we desperately need to create more jobs.  He said, "When was the last time you heard of someone going to a poor or middle-income person asking for a job?"

His point was that money taken from these "wealth creators" is money they use to hire people.

Great point.

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