I loved Crackerjacks when I was a kid. Often I would open the box to find a cheap ring as the prize, a ring that had a small picture on top and would change as you looked at it from different angles.
I was thinking about those cheap rings today, and for some reason our President, Barack Obama, came to mind.
I began considering the possibility that to different voters he is viewed very differently, almost as if he has three faces. He's the same person, of course, but depending on how you look at his policies and listen to his speeches, you view him in a much different way.
The far-left liberal hears what he or she wants President Obama to say, without really listening to how he plans to accomplish his promises, how he plans to pay for them or even the ramifications of his policies. They hear "blah blah blah blah we need to make the rich pay their fair share," "blah blah blah blah I support gay marriage," "blah blah blah blah medical insurance for everyone," "blah blah blah blah I support increasing grants for college," "blah blah blah blah I support opening our borders to those who came to our country illegally," or "blah blah blah blah free birth control for women."
President Obama promises "free stuff" to far-left liberals, and they love him for it. He sees America as a compilation of various voting blocs and as long as he promises to do something for their voting bloc, they support him. They love the way the President seems to connect with them one person at a time with his soaring rhetoric and his non-formal manner, without paying attention to what he's actually saying. The majority in the voting blocs he targets -- women, hispanics, gay people, young people and blacks -- adore him, even though his policies have created far fewer opportunities for economic success than any Republican President ever has. Based on his record, not his rhetoric, this President has not earned a single vote from these voters.
To those on the far, far right, President Obama is seen as a threat to our country. They view his policies as a blatant attack on our Constitution and believe he is working purposefully to dismantle our great country, one Amendment to the Constitution at a time. They see him as part socialist, part communist, but certainly not an American. They view him as un-American, a person whose intent is to destroy the system of capitalism on which our country was built and prospered. They see an economy in its fourth year of stagnation as proof positive that he is conspiring to destroy the economic engine that has made America great. Those on the far, far right believe that President Obama is purposely trying to weaken America through his policies and words.
I have a slightly different view of our President. Like many others closer to the middle-right side of the political spectrum, I see him as someone who simply did not grow up as we did, saluting the Red White and Blue at ballgames, saying the Pledge of Allegiance at school and listening to those elders who risked life and limb to protect the freedoms we enjoy today. I see him as someone who as a kid never learned about business through a paper route that allowed him to save a few quarters each week in order to buy a baseball glove, football or Hot Wheels set. I also see him as someone who was taught to ask what America could do to him and for him, instead of what he could do for America.
He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia and as we know now he was greatly influenced by people with communist and socialist leanings. I also believe he was taught that American and British colonists had stolen from these lands and their people. I also view our President as someone who grew up with a stilted view of America's role in the world. Instead of seeing America as a great liberator, he saw America as a nation that prospered greatly, while enslaving people, stealing their natural resources and leaving them with little or nothing in return. I firmly believe that instead of being taught about the greatness of America, our President was taught that America became great on the backs of others.
If you look at President Obama from this viewpoint, all of his words and policies make perfect sense. He believes in punishing those who make money from the work of others, he views America as having too much influence and power in the world, and he sees the 99% in America as part of the 1% when you look at the entire world. To Barack Obama who grew up listening to stories of American and British imperialism, he feels the need to apologize to the world for America's sins of the past, whether real or imagined.
This viewpoint also explains why the President didn't appear to be overly concerned when four Americans were killed in Libya earlier this week (he continued to campaign instead of returning to the White House) and why he seemingly supports Muslim countries like Egypt and Libya much more strongly that he does Israel.
If you've seen the movie, "2016: Obama's America," which I strongly suggest every American do, you now have a better view of what he's doing and why he's doing it. He can't help it; this is what he was taught.
What he wasn't taught was how to be a chief executive, which explains another facet of his make up -- incompetence. He was never a governor. He never ran a business. He was never head of even a Cub Scout Pack. What his upbringing doesn't his explain, his lack of experience does. It also explains why he has spent so little time doing "executive" types of activities such as leading meetings with his jobs council or cabinet. He simply doesn't know how to lead because he's never had that experience.
Combine the President's poisoned view of America's role in the world with his lack of leadership experience that has resulted in incompetence, and we have a country on the brink of disaster just three and a half years after he took office.
The sad part is that although I believe our President is not purposely trying to destroy America, the results are pretty much the same as if he were. America's economy, budget and foreign relations could not be in worse shape. America is experiencing record levels of poverty, long-term unemployment and debt. We're heading towards a financial cliff, and our President has done nothing to bring Democrats and Republicans together to avert the impending disaster. Instead, he's spent most of his time campaigning, fundraising and golfing.
While far-left liberals may still be mesmerized by the President's rhetoric, those closer to the middle and those to the far right realize that whether done purposely or not, he is destroying America for this and future generations.
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