Under our current President, the average American household has seen its income drop by the equivalent of nearly one month's salary, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Here are the facts. In January 2009, the month Barack Obama became our President, median household income was $54,983. By June, 2012, the median household income had plummeted to $50,964. That’s a loss of $4,019 per family, the equivalent of losing nearly one month’s income.
http://www.forbes.com/sites/peterferrara/2012/09/02/obamas-accelerating-downward-spiral-for-america/ This decrease represents a drop in income by 7.3%.
Are Americans better off they they were four years ago? Unequivocally, no. It isn't even close.
President Obama likes to blame the economy on his predecessor, George W. Bush. But if you look at the numbers, they show a different story. During the Bush Recession, which began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, the income of the average American household decreased by 2.6%, about one third of the drop we've seen since Obama took office.
The data show that the Obama recovery has been far worse for the American middle class than the Bush recession.
But there's more to this story.
As Americans have watched their incomes drop under this President, they've also seen costs increase dramatically. Gasoline has doubled since the day he took office, electric rates have increased and we all know that food is significantly more expensive than it was three years ago. Unless you pay close attention to what you're buying and how much you're buying, though, you may not see the full impact of the increases in prices.
Here's an example. Earlier this weekend, I purchased a large bag of Purina dogfood. After I brought it home, I noticed that it contained 31.1 pounds of dog food, instead of the 35 pounds the bag used to contain. I've noticed similar "downsizing" in quantities, which is probably a way for manufacturers to pass on rising costs to consumers without them feeling the pinch.
Unfortunately, the mainstream news media will not inform the American public about how bad the Obama Presidency has been for their bank accounts. This inconvenient truth would not help the media's cultural hero receive votes from uninformed voters.
It is up to Americans like us, who search for the truth, to let Americans know the facts about this President and the impact his policies have had on our economy and our pocketbooks.
Please share with your friends, co-workers, neighbors and family members.
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