While on Twitter earlier today, I posted several tweets providing reasons why one should not vote to reelect President Barack Obama.
Once I looked at these tweets in their entirety, it became very clear. Only a complete moron, or a staunch far-left liberal, would vote to reelect our current President based on his failed record, his broken promises and his lackadaisical attitude towards the job of leading our great nation.
Unfortunately, there are morons who don't pay attention or who watch only the mainstream news media. There are also far-left liberals who wouldn't vote for anybody but a Democrat even if that Democrat had been convicted of murder or rape.
For those people who are halfway reasonable and look at the facts, here are what I believe are the top 10 reasons why our current President does not deserve our vote.
1. He hasn't made the economy better; he's made it worse.
After over three and one-half years on the job, the latest jobs report was a telling barometer of this President's effectiveness. For every American who found a job in August, four Americans simply gave up looking for work because the prospects were so bleak. The facts are that one in every six Americans is now living in poverty and that the average American household has lost $4,000 in income since the Obama "recovery" started. All of these facts paint a picture of failed Presidency.
2. He has befriended our enemies and has forsaken our friends.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked to meet with our President, but the President apparently did not have enough time to meet with him -- although Netanyahu offered to travel to Washington in order to accomodate the President. But President Obama has found time to schedule a meeting with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, and has also pledged billions in aid to this country led by the Muslim Brotherhood, an anti-Israel party. Earlier this week, our President did have time to meet with JayZ and Beyonce, and also found a few minutes to appear on the David Letterman Show. While Israel is facing an Iran that will soon have nuclear weapons, our President has not found time to meet with the leader of one of our longest and staunchest allies.
3. He does not prioritize his duties in a way that's Presidential or even logical.
Although the President has found time to play well over 100 rounds of golf during the past three and one-half years and also to attend more fundraisers than his predecessors combined, he hasn't found time to lead such efforts as meeting with his Jobs Council or his Cabinet. According to some reports, he hasn't met with his Jobs Council since January, and he only met twice with his Cabinet from January to the July. While our Ambassador to Libya was missing, our President was sound asleep. The day after our Ambassador and three other Americans died in Libya, our President had to interrupt a fundraiser in Las Vegas in order to address the American people. According to numerous other reports, the President also has not found time to connect with key leaders of Congress in his own party in three and one-half years, or to meet regularly with the Republicans. With the Bush era tax cuts scheduled to expire at the end of the year for all Americans, the President has been busy campaigning instead of meeting with Congress. He has done nothing to prevent our economy from falling off what many are calling a fiscal cliff at the end of the year when the average American family will pay $4,000 more in taxes, unless the tax cuts are continued. Our President has also missed about two-thirds of recent intelligence briefings, probably because he's been too busy campaigning, fundraising and golfing.
4. He has developed no coherent energy policy.
President Obama likes to comment that fixing high gasoline prices can't be done overnight. So, what did he do three and one-half years ago to help prevent the doubling of gas prices we've seen since he took office? Nothing. He has not opened up federal lands or our shores for drilling, although this country has vast resources in those areas ready to tap. He also opposed the completion of the top half of the Keystone Pipeline, which would have brought millions of gallons of oil to American refineries in the Gulf of Mexico. He has done nothing to support natural gas drilling, or even the new development of vast new deposits of oil found in the Dakotas. President Obama's EPA appears to be doing its best to kill the coal industry, although America has hundreds of years of reserves and this energy source has supplied consumers with cheap, reliable electricity for decades. As the President said when he was campaigning in 2008, the cost of electricity would "necessarily skyrocket" because of the regulations he said he would impose on coal. This is one promise he intends to keep, and the increase in prices at the pump will soon be matched by increased in prices in electricity bills nationwide.
5. He's added $6 trillion to our debt.
To put this accomplishment in perspective, consider this. In 232 years, the United States of America incurred $10 trillion in debt. In three and one-half years, President Obama has added nearly $6 trillion to our national credit card bill. Early on, President Obama said that he would cut our debt in half by the end of his first term; instead, he's increased our debt by more than 50%.
6. He's wasted trillions of dollars.
Not only has President Obama added $6 trillion to our debt, he's wasted a lot of that money. He pushed for and received nearly $1 trillion for a stimulus when he was first elected, but we saw few jobs created. Later, the President said that "those shovel ready jobs weren't quite so shovel ready" and laughed about it. He also wasted billions on alternative energy projects like Solyndra, many of which were headed by people who coincidentally raised money for the President in 2008.
7. He's done nothing to address the impending insolvency of our entitlement programs.
Other than attacking Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan for his proposals to slow down the growth in costs of programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicare, the President has rarely even talked about them. Unlike Congressman Ryan, President Obama certainly hasn't made any proposals to save them, although they are all heading towards bankruptcy, putting them in jeopardy for future generations of Americans.
8. His economic policies have devastated two groups that strongly supported him in 2008 -- blacks and young people.
His policies have destroyed economic opportunties for young people and blacks. Only about one-half of recent college graduates have actually found a job in their field, while the other half is relegated to not working or working at a job not in their field. As for blacks, the reported unemployment rate is nearly twice that of the total population. The reality is that the real unemployment rate for blacks, once you consider those who have given up looking for work, is probably closer to 30%. The chances of finding a job for young people who are black may be close to that of winning the lottery. It's that bleak.
9. He's taken no responsibility when things go wrong, but seemingly takes most of the credit when things go right.
Our President uses the word, "I," a lot when commenting about things that go as planned, such as the raid to kill Osama Bin Laden, but continues to blame his predecessor, George W. Bush, for the economy. Great Preidents such as Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy always credited others for success and also talked about success in terms of "we."
10. He has trampled on our Constitutional rights.
President Obama has ordered federal and state officials to not enforce immigration laws, ignoring laws passed by Congress and signed by a previous President. He has also attempted to force Catholic institutions to provide free birth control as part of their healthcare plans, ignoring the religious freedoms guaranteed in our Constitution. President Obama has also made recess appointments while Congress was still meeting, which is not Constitutional. His healthcare law was found Constitutional in what any reasonable person would consider to be quite a stretch, with Chief Justice John Roberts seemingly caving in to political pressure to find some way to allow the law to stand. Lastly, our President now has a "kill list" of suspected terrorist targets that he and he alone makes the final decision as to who lives and who dies. His list includes American citizens, who, until President Obama took office, had Constitutional rights ensuring the rights to a trial before being found guilty.
Once you put all of this together, you see an arrogant, egotistical President who has made our economy worse; trampled on our Constitutional rights; devastated economic opportunities afforded to those who supported him the strongest; added significantly to our debt; done nothing to protect entitlement programs for future generations; increased the price we pay for energy; and ignored our strongest ally in the Middle East at a time they need our steadfast support the most.
There is no way that this man should be elected to lead our country another four years. No way.
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